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Creating Influencers out of enthusiasts.
Challenge: Porsche Centre Kuwait is usually where PCK’s clientele interact with the brand and its vehicles. But first the COVID-19 pandemic and then global logistical issues limited the capacity for physical brand experiences. We had to overcome this with compelling content.
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Solution: Using Porsche’s customer database, we connected with Porsche owners. Through in-depth conversations with them, we identified a handful of owners whose passion for the brand was a reflection of their passions in life and work. Working with them to bring their stories to life, we crafted a branded series of online videos named Soul Stories. Each episode featured a Porsche owner, with a narrative that seamlessly intertwined their personal and professional stories with the emotional connection with their Porsches. The story became bigger than just the vehicle; it became a story about Porsche and Kuwaitis, and threw a spotlight on an ambitious new generation that set high standards.

Results: We pivoted Porsche Centre Kuwait to a content-led strategy that featured its customers to strengthen brand affinity and drive showroom leads. The featured owners became mini-influencers in their own right and PCK received requests from Porsche owners who volunteered to be featured in future Soul Stories.
- Context
- Integrated
- Social
- Automotive
- Kuwait